“I believe people are filled with greatness; all I need to do is unlock their potential.”

Engineering and Leadership

I didn’t start my career as a leadership communication coach. I started in the Rubber Industry as an engineer. People would often say to me:

“Nancy you don’t fit the model of a traditional engineer.” Or,

“Nancy you are too right-brained for this left-brained group of people.”

If you have ever watched the Big Bang Theory, geeky left-brained people are alive and well in the Engineering industry. I developed a skill to be what I called the Translator. My role was to translate Technical Speak into everyday communication. Why? Because I was smart enough to understand what they were talking about but did not like the calculations and technical aspects.

I loved working with people and challenging them to think bigger. I learned not being the smartest person in the room was a bonus; I became a better facilitator. I could bring the best knowledge out in people while holding a bigger vision. I could Empower them to achieve greatness, and we did.

Results of Leading Empowered Teams!

  • Facilitated teams of 1000 people over two turnarounds. The outside auditor told us it was impossible. Instead, I built team alignment, and they achieved unheard results. The key was surrounding myself with great construction leadership and aligning them to the outcome.

  • Safety is the number one priority in the workplace. I facilitated 14 Industry companies, with construction leaders and union leaders, to unite with one philosophy around safety—the purpose to improve safety in construction by eliminating confusion in different industries.

  • During the start-up of the Bayers Halobutyl unit, I facilitated creative solutions by empowering operators to provide out-of-the-box thinking. The team found a way to keep the plant operating during weeks of testing, increasing revenue by $2 Million, over 6 weeks.

  • Leading a team with no background is fun. As a leader, you can focus on bringing out the best in people. This team was able to execute a project $3 Million under budget and six months ahead of schedule, benchmarked by one of the top Oil & Gas industries in the world. People can achieve more when leaders break down barriers holding them back.

Leadership Communication Coaching

My big Aha was that I could do more for business if I stepped into the role as a Leadership Communication Coach. Instead of just facilitating a team, I could develop Empowerment Leadership in you as a Leader.

I am skilled in NPL, Hypnosis, Coaching, Communication and dance. NLP and Hypnosis will help you better understand the neuroscience behind the mindset of leadership and empowerment. Coaching and Communication help transform you into an Empowerment Leader, like training an athlete to become an olympian. Dance allows me to teach you how body language is the number one method of communication.

Nancy is a brilliant, powerful coach who is able to create customized experiences for clients using her extensive experience combined with the most cutting edge techniques. Unlike most coaches, Nancy is always passionate about staying up to date on the latest research about leadership, performance, and productivity, so you know you are getting the best when you work with her.

Melisine Holtz

Let’s Work Together To Build Your Winning Teams